体験・お稽古・デモンストレーションのご案内 Experience Practice and Demonstration
茶道の楽しみ Pleasure of Making Tea
The Way of Tea, a root of Japan’s traditional culture, is integrated in the everyday life of Japanese. We offer three different programes; Experience, Practice,and Demonstration. Experience is for people interested in the culture of Tea Ceremony, Practice is for individuals who wish to practice ritual tradition of tea culture, and Demonstration is for a group who wish to learn about the Tea Ceremony
能に親しむ Fun of Noh Play
Noh Theater is derived from a performing art of the Middle Ages and forms the foundation of Japan’s culutural traditions. Noh is considered one of the world’s intangible cultural heritages and the more your know learn about the art form the more absorbed you’ll become in the spiritual wonders of Japanese culture. We offer three different programes ; Experience, Practice, and Demonstration. Experience is for people interested in cultural background and actual acts of the traditional Noh Play. Practice is intended for individuals who wish to practice in order to perform on the stage of an authentic Noh Play theater. Demonstration involvess a group who wish to enjoy the singing and dancing of Noh.
華道をたしなむ Delight of Ikebana
“Kado” literary means the way of Flower, usually translated as “The Art of Flower Arrangement” of Japan. It denotes the way for appreciating the beauty of branches of trees and flowering plants, which change by seasons, and the way for expressing one’s respects to the life of plants. The culture of displaying flower began when Buddhism came to Japan in the ancient time. The flower presented in front of the memorial tablet of one’s ancestor gradually became a habit of displaying the flowers at many places of daily life. It has become a belief that every flowering plant has own life, from which the spirit of “Kado” is derived.
You may have heard of the saying that a flower has a human’s mind. When people say “To make a flower alive”, it connotes one’s love for them and desire of searching their beauty. Would you like to find them together? For arranging flowers beautifully in your room, we offer two programs; Experience and Practice. In addition, we introduce programs for making Moss-balls and Bonsai.
和楽器にふれる Let’s play traditional music instruments of Japan
Japan’s traditional musical instruments include, a kind of Japanese percussion instrument, such as a small dram and a big dram, string instruments like Shamisen, Koto, Biwa, Kokyu, and wind instruments called Shinobue, and Noukan. These instruments have been associated with the traditional performing arts of Japan for many centuries. Listening to sounds created by such instruments is a rare pleasure, and playing them is a fun pastime. We offer three programs; Experiment for trials of playing these instruments, Practice for proper musical play, and Demonstration for an introduction to the appreciation of the traditional old instruments of Japan.
和菓子の魅力 Taste of Japanese sweets
Traditional Japanese sweets are delicate and sophisticated. They please you not only by their tastes, but also by their beauty of appearance. Changes of every season are reflected finely on textures, colours and shape of individual Japanese cakes, and so you can enjoy taste of each season. We offer a programme for taking you to the work place of making such exquisite traditional sweets.