体験・お稽古 “華道をたしなむ Appreciating the flower arrangement of Japan”
華道をたしなむ Appreciating the flower arrangement of Japan
“Kado” literary means the way of Flower, usually translated as “The Art of Flower Arrangement” of Japan. It denotes the way for appreciating the beauty of branches of trees and flowering plants, which change by seasons, and the way for expressing one’s respects to the life of plants. The culture of displaying flower began when Buddhism came to Japan in the ancient time. The flower presented in front of the memorial tablet of one’s ancestor gradually became a habit of displaying the flowers at many places of daily life. It has become a belief that every flowering plant has own life, from which the spirit of “Kado” is derived.
You may have heard of the saying that a flower has a human’s mind. When people say “To make a flower alive”, it connotes one’s love for them and desire of searching their beauty. Would you like to find them together? For arranging flowers beautifully in your room, we offer two programs; Experience and Practice. In addition, we introduce programs for making Moss-balls and Bonsai.
We provide a place for experiencing a slow time of arranging flowers with a peaceful mind. In order for introducing to beginners the deep spiritual mind of “Kado”, we guide you with intimate dialogues one by one, and assist you making flower arrangements, as well as making Moss-balls and Bonsai.
所要時間 Time required |
約2時間 2hours |
金額 Fees | 5,400円 5,400 yen ご自身で活けたお花をお持ち帰りいただけます。 You can take your flowers back home with you. |
最少催行人数 2人 日時・場所はお問合せ下さい。 Minimum number of participants 2 |
詳しくは「お問い合せ」下さい。For details, please go to “Inquiry”.
More often you practice, more deeply you can feel reaching to the inner self, and you can feel the pleasure of making flowers alive. Please ask for selecting any particular schools of the flower arrangement. For those who are not interested in any particular school, we offer a suitable way of practice.
所要時間 Time required |
毎回、約2時間 2hours |
金額 Tuition | 5,400円 5,400 yen ご自身で活けたお花をお持ち帰りいただけます。 You can take your flowers back home with you. |
日時・場所はお問合せ下さい。 |
詳しくは「お問い合せ」下さい。For details, please go to “Inquiry”.